A Day Trip from Belize to Tikal: An Adventure with a Lesson

Discover the ultimate guide to a 1-day trip from Belize to Tikal. Learn from our nerve-wracking experience as we navigated border crossings and unexpected routes. Explore the majestic Mayan ruins, and get essential tips to make your journey smooth and unforgettable.

Panoramic view of the ancient Mayan ruins at Tikal National Park, showcasing towering stone pyramids and lush greenery.
Exploring the majestic Tikal National Park in Guatemala. The ancient Mayan ruins stand tall, surrounded by lush jungle, offering a glimpse into a vibrant history.

Planning a one-day adventure from Belize to the magnificent Tikal in Guatemala can be an exciting and educational journey. However, our recent trip taught us a valuable lesson about the importance of following the correct route. Here's our story and a comprehensive guide to help you avoid the same pitfalls.

Distance and Travel Time

The journey from Belize City to Tikal involves a combination of driving and border crossing. Here’s a breakdown of the travel details:

A detailed map of Tikal National Park displayed at the entrance, highlighting various plazas, temples, and other significant archaeological sites within the park.
Navigating Tikal National Park with the help of a detailed map. The park is vast and filled with numerous historical sites, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching exploration of the ancient Mayan civilization.

Our Experience: The Importance of the Right Route

We departed from Belize City, excited for our adventure. We used Crystal Auto Rental at Belize International Airport on a day of our arrival to Belize. We arranged the departure day to Guatemala at the time of our car rental, received the Cross-boarder letter and paid all necessary fees. On a day of our departure, our plan was to arrive early at Tikal to make the most of our day. However, it did not go smoothly.

Wrong Turn:

  • Unexpected Detour: Despite using Google Maps, we ended up on an off-road path that didn’t alert us initially because road conditions in both Belize and Guatemala can be poor. After a long drive, we suddenly saw a sign that read "Welcome to Guatemala" and realized we had entered without going through customs.

Encounter with Authorities:

  • Nerve-Wracking Experience: Soon after, we reached a block post with officers. Communication was difficult as most Guatemalans do not speak English. Using Google Translate, we explained our situation. They checked our car and paperwork, which we had wisely obtained when renting the car in Belize, notifying them of our planned visit to Tikal.

Customs Clearance:

  • Surprise and Suspicion: At customs, officers were surprised and unsure how to process us since we had entered the country illegally. They suspected we had bribed our way through, which we hadn’t. After hours of interrogation and with the help of an English-speaking officer, we were finally cleared. We learned that the route we took was known as the contraband road.

Lesson Learned:

  • Advice from Officials: We were advised to always ensure proper border entry to avoid severe consequences, such as expensive fines or jail time. We were also told that the border closes at 9 PM, so we needed to return to Belize before then.

Exploring Tikal

  • We finally arrived at Tikal at 2pm, much later than planned. Despite our delayed arrival, Tikal's beauty was awe-inspiring. We explored the main attractions like Temple I (Temple of the Grand Jaguar) and the Gran Plaza. The site is vast, and ideally, you should spend a whole day there.

Consider Staying Overnight:

  • To fully enjoy Tikal without the stress of a rushed visit, consider staying overnight in Guatemala. This allows for a more relaxed exploration of the site and the opportunity to experience sunrise or sunset tours.

Practical Tips

  1. Documentation: Ensure all travel documents are in order, including passports, and vehicle permits if driving. No visa required for US citizens. Letter of Permission: When planning to drive the rental car from Belize into Guatemala, you must obtain a special letter of permission from the car rental company. This letter is necessary for crossing the border legally and is often referred to as a "cross-border letter."
  2. Currency: Have both Belizean and Guatemalan currency for border fees and other expenses.
  3. Route Planning: Double-check your route to ensure you go through the official border crossing.
  4. Language: Basic Spanish phrases and a translation app can be very helpful.
  5. Timing: Start early to maximize your time at Tikal and ensure you can cross the border on your return. Verify hours of operation at custom border at the time of your arrival.
  6. Speed Limit within the Tikal NP: Ensure adherence to the speed limit within Tikal National Park, as it is monitored by officials to prevent the issuance of citations.


A one-day trip from Belize to Tikal is a rewarding but challenging adventure. Our experience highlights the importance of following the correct route and being prepared for unexpected situations. Tikal's breathtaking beauty makes the journey worthwhile, and proper planning can help ensure a smooth trip.

By following this guide and learning from our experience, you’ll be well-prepared for an unforgettable journey from Belize to Tikal. Enjoy your adventure!